ALBUM REVIEW – Fear Of Fallings Stars

ALBUM REVIEW – Fear Of Fallings Stars

Today Glide is excited to premiere the video for the standout track “Extraordinary Grace,” a delicately picked exercise in how to create a sense of intimacy in your songs. This tune of heartbreak finds Kristen Grainger singing with vocals that are soulful and convey the sense of emotion that is packed into the lyrics. Her band provides sparse yet beautiful instrumentation, layering in subtle flourishes of mandolin, bass, and fiddle to accentuate the mournful mood of the song. We even get some impressive solos during the song’s bridge that find the band leaning more heavily into their love of bluegrass. Kristen describes the inspiration behind the song: “’Extraordinary Grace’ is for all of us – it’s a heartbreak song for sure, but for me, it’s not about romantic love gone wrong. Extraordinary Grace is about how heartbroken I am about civility in America, that we are increasingly divided, unwilling to seek common ground. Fueled by snark and hyperbole, the meanest tweet wins. We hide in our laptop bunkers, never know our neighbors, never try to walk in their shoes. I feel paralyzed by the enormity of this and my chagrin over my own sense of futility.” Glide Magazine

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